Grand Canyon by Pepijn Schmitz. ©Pepijn Schmitz.


Intrapsychic Touchä (IPTä) Technique:
These structured phases make this healing modality easily teachable, replicable, and researchable. They are the integration of both Therapeutic Touch Energy Medicine and Gestalt Therapy, and have been adapted and developed solely by Catherine Monetti, MA, RN. Those items appearing in italics reflect her own interpretation.

  1. INTENTIONALITY: Caring, Compassion, Love, Empathy



  4. CENTERING: one's Self physically, psychologically, and psychodynamically. This involves: intentionality; motivation; an ability to confront oneself, and the willingness to do so.

  5. ASSESSMENT: Exercising the natural sensitivity of the hand to assess the energy field of the Healee for cues to differences in the quality of energy flow. Mobilizing areas in the Healee’s energy field that the Healer may perceive as being non-flowing; that is, sluggish, congested, or static.

  6. GROUNDING: the Healee’s energy field. (Releasing unresolved emotional trauma. Receipt of visual imagery)

  7. UNRUFFLING: Conscious openness by the Healer to assist the Healee to repattern his or her own energies.

  8. FINAL GROUNDING: Receiving Visual Imagery from the Healee that facilitates their own innate healing potential = INTEGRATION & TRANSFORMATION; TRANSMUTATION OF ENERGY. Receipt of positive lived experiences = PHENOMENONOLOGY.


  10. ANALYSIS of release and processing via Gestalt Therapy techniques.

(The Rainbow)

The First (or Kundalini) Chakra: Chant “LOM” on exhalation. RED. Root Chakra – of basic survival, the primal sex drive, and bodily life energy. Lies at the base of the spine. Acts as the physical energy regulator for the endocrine system. (Expressive)

The Second (or Hara) Chakra: Chant “VOM” on exhalation. ORANGE. Sits just below the navel in the center of the body. Is the center of the emotions, the musculature, and gender identity. (Receptive)

The Third (or Solar Plexus) Chakra: Chant “ROM” on exhalation. YELLOW. Sits right in the center of the solar plexus, directly between the navel and the sternum. Is involved in thought and intellect, and with the effect of thought on the body. It is associated with the adrenals and the pancreas, and is also the center of the psychic immune system. (Expressive)

The Fourth (or Heart) Chakra: Chant “YOM” on exhalation. EMERALD GREEN. Resides in the center of the chest, behind the sternum. Is associated with the thymus gland. It contains the ability to love and feel compassion, both for oneself and the world outside. (Receptive)

The Fifth (or Throat) Chakra: Chant “HUM” on exhalation. SAPPHIRE BLUE. Sits right above the hollow at the base of the neck, where it processes communication from the spirit and the body, and transmits it to the world. It is associated with the thyroid and the parathyroid glands. (Expressive)

The Sixth (or Third Eye) Chakra: Chant “OM” on exhalation. INDIGO. Sits right in the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows and the hairline. It is associated with the pituitary gland. It is the center of Clairvoyance, or the ability to receive energy vibrations visually. (Receptive)

The Seventh (or Crown) Chakra: “SILENCE” on exhalation. PURPLE/VIOLET. Sits above the very top of the head, almost floating over the body. It is the only central chakra that is outside of the body. It is the center of our bodily connection to pure spiritual energy and information. It is associated with the pineal gland. It contains absolute certainty and absolute purpose.

(Chopra, Deepak. (1999) Body, Mind, and Soul. PBS Home Video.)

(McLaren, K. (1998). Your aura & your chakras: the owner’s manual. York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser, Inc.)

Intrapsychic Touchä healing technique is an adaptation of the Krieger-Kunz method, “Therapeutic Touch.” Krieger, D. (1979). The Therapeutic Touch: How to Use Your Hands to Help or Heal. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 35-39.

Intrapsychic Touchä (Patent Pending) ©2005 Catherine Monetti, MA, RN


All Site Content ©2006. Catherine Monetti. All Rights Reserved. Site design courtesy Steven A. Monetti.