Aurora from Space: Don Pettit, ISS Expedition 6, NASA Nov. 5, 2005


Intrapsychic Touchä

  What is IPT?!

Intrapsychic Touchä is an Energetic Healing Technique serendipitously discovered by me ten years ago. Originally intended as an application of both Therapeutic Touch (TT) Energy Medicine, and Reiki, integrated with Gestalt ("whole") Therapy, what emerged instead was this powerful healing modality.

TT, a modern interpretation of the ancient "laying on of hands", has already been taught to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, and is now officially recognized as "Energy Medicine" by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCAM), a component of the National Institute of Health (NIH). Of the complementary modalities available, it is the one most scientifically researched and studied.

Originally, while working with a private client, I began having profound, albeit initially incredulous, experiences. Receiving visual imagery while working, these were always subsequently validated with more than a hundred clients, without suggestion. Consistent re-occurrence, then easy adaptation by many of my students, has led me to finally accept, and now share, its validity. This latter fact is what is most significant, in that this simple and structured technique is both easily learned and replicated.

In a world wrought with human emotional suffering, and widespread physical disease, I believe a world of peace, of emotional peace, is possible. Pain, in and of itself, is a language that speaks. Its innate wisdom should be acknowledged, and respected. My experiences with Intrapsychic Touch have helped me to realize that unresolved trauma is a manifestation of the "woe of the ages". Always seeking express-ion and resolution, it is, therefore, also transmitted transgenerationally.

Professionals in the mental health arena have long sought a means for the facilitated release of repressed memories and emotions. Intrapsychic Touch accomplishes this. Validating the well-established mind-body-emotion-spirit connection, it futher proves that while memories may not be consciously accessible, the body always remembers. IPT allows the body "to be seen and heard".

Therefore, I feel it is both my moral and ethical obligation to share my discovery, and this innovative technique. It is no longer necessary for one to spend years in private therapy before the emergence of repressed memories occurs. Nor, does one have to re-visit the "eye of the storm" in order to be healed. It is indeed true that we each have the ability to heal ourselves and each other. All we have to do is notice, to open our eyes, to care. By doing so, we "see" what needs to be healed, even if the recipient does not. Hence, our "eyes think".

Using Caring and Intentionality, and always with either unconscious or conscious permission of the recipient, the Healer encounters the emotional, physical, and spiritual energy realm of the Healee, non-invasively, and with minimal touch. What is most important is that we, as Healers, act purely as Instruments. This is not about our individual egos. Rather, we act as conduits for the Universal Healing energy, the Creative Life Force, the Pure Intelligence that has always been there for us.

The practitioner, acting as both a Gestalt "Silent Witness", and conduit for Universal Healing Energy, facilitates the release of unconscious repressed memories, including transgenerational trauma-based experiencves, held and stored in the body. This gentle process does not re-traumatize the client, and, indeed, no emotional discomfort is even experienced. Instead, through grounding, energy first manifested is ultimately transmuted, then released. Positive lived experiences then reinforce, and are used to facilitate one's innate healing potential. Hence, the phenomenological and existential aspects of this technique. A process that occurs naturally, energy and imagery are not intentionally directed by the Healer. The individual is left, ultimately, more whole, energized, and open to the healing Source that is available to each and every one of us.

In formal five-hour experiential workshops, while integrating the principles and practice of both Gestalt Therapy and Energy Healing, participants learn this simple, therapeutic, non-invasive body-oriented technique, called "Intrapsychic Touch". Of course, individual sessions are also available.

Intrapsychic Touch is simply a logical next step in the evolution of human potential and healing. Moreover, I view it as a revolution in healing, bringing us full-circle, back to our ancient heritage. It is ancient healing for the new millennium, with profound ramifications. Our call for help has not gone unheeded. It is Quantum Healing, at its best. Ancient Healers showed us the way...

I believe the world, now ready, can follow...

Catherine Monetti, MA, RN

For anecdotal examples, refer to the "links" on this web page.

Intrapsychic Touchä (Patent Pending) ©2005 Catherine Monetti, MA, RN


All Site Content ©2006. Catherine Monetti. All Rights Reserved. Site design courtesy Steven A. Monetti.