Moonbow and Venus imaged by Rob Ratkowski in May 2004. ©2004 Rob Ratkowski.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What does "Intrapsychic Touch" (IPT) mean?
    The term, "Intrapsychic" has to do with the intrapsychic shifts, or emotional release, that occurs. This work is not about "psychic" phenomena, the paranormal, etc. It is solely about Pure Intention, and the desire to help facilitate healing.

    In practice, there is minimal physical touch involved. The recipient is fully clothed, and can remain seated. The term "Touch" is adapted from the Krieger-Kunz Method of Therapeutic Touch (TT), formally developed in 1972. TT has been taught to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, and is now regarded by NCAM to be a form of "Energy Medicine".

    My technique, "Intrapsychic Touch", developed, in part, by the integration of both TT and Gestalt Therapy, is the "offspring" of the "marriage" of the two. What's most important, however, is that it is easily taught and replicated.

  2. Does IPT replace traditional medicine?
    Absolutely not!

    It would be both illegal and unethical to purport this technique as a "replacement" for conventional medicine. Clients should always consult with physicians with regard to physical and emotional complaints.

    IPT is meant to serve as a complement to, rather than alternative for, traditional healthcare.

  3. How long does an IPT Session last?
    An IPT session can last anywhere from five minutes to ninety. This depends on whether or not the client is also taught the technique for relaxation, deep breathing, chakra alignment, and centering. It can be as short or as long as is indicated.

    Keep in mind that the Healee does not need to be either relaxed, or centered, just open to healing.

  4. How many sessions are needed?
    This depends on the individual. Using both Intuition and a mutual process, one session may be enough, or more may be indicated. This work can be integrated with ongoing psychotherapy, if desired, or can occur on a "prn" (as needed), or one-time basis.

  5. Can healing occur from afar?
    Yes, absolutely. In my experience, the Healee need not be physically present. Remember, all one needs is Caring, Pure Intention, a willingness to act as a conduit for the Universal Healing Energy, and unconscious permission from the recipient.

  6. Can this technique be used for Emotional Healing?
    Definitely. While the known effects of the complementary modalities, such as stress reduction, relaxation, enhanced well-being, increased energy, accelerated healing, increased hemoglobin levels, etc. have been well-documented, their emotional impact has not. This is where "Intrapsychic Touch" comes in…

    Of course, the development of formal, longitudinal research studies would be very beneficial, and are indicated…

  7. Does one have to be a "Believer" for this to work?
    No, one does not have to be a "believer" for this to work. Nor does one have to understand how it works. It just does! All one has to believe in is the healing power of the Universal Life Force, and its wisdom. Trusting in the innate healing ability of the human being helps as well. However, keep in mind that a Healer must always first receive "unconscious permission" from the Healee.

  8. Suppose one does not receive this "unconscious permission"?
    In more than one hundred sessions there have only been three occasions when it was not received. These instances occurred only in a group setting. This refusal is perceived by the Healer as a deep, intuitive "Knowing", emanating from one's core.

  9. By conducting this work, are one's "boundaries" violated? Are their "defenses" infiltrated?
    The answer to these questions is "no"!

    Remember, unconscious permission is first obtained before work is begun, and the expression of Pure Intention is stated. My belief is that the unconscious, always yearning for healthy "express-ion", will reveal itself only when it is ready, willing, and able to do so. If not availed of a healthy outlet, its futile attempts result in physical and emotional dis-ease, and re-creation of the original woundedness.

    It is also important to consider that this work does not reveal one's "deep, dark secrets", as the work is about healing, and does not occur without permission.

    When there is a trusting presence, or "Silent Witness", available, a "safe harbor" is thus created, and the unconscious is then able to release, and heal, itself.

    The same is true with regard to ego defenses. Because the Healee does not consciously re-experience trauma, there is never re-victimization. Hence, there is no need to "go through the eye of the storm" again, in order to be healed, and made whole.

  10. Can one do "harm" to a recipient?
    This work, based on Caring, and Intention, cannot bring harm to a client. In this extremely pure realm, "harm" simply does not exist. It is a moot point. And, this technique will not work without these prerequisites.

    Using the basic conceptual framework of Gestalt Therapy, et al, this is a gentle, patient, loving approach to healing.

  11. What if it does not work?
    In my experience, there has never been a time, since the first, when it did not "work". However, participants in initial workshops sometimes encounter some difficulty in sensing an energy field (either their own, or the Healee's), or receiving imagery. For those who have participated in more than one workshop, their increased trust and openness, expand with experience; hence, their skill.

    Keep in mind that there is no "right or wrong" here. And, this is not about skill, level of performance, etc. If one's ego gets in the way, I teach my students to simply bring the focus back to the Healee by silently saying their name. Remember, this is not about us as individuals. It's about our willingness to act as conduits, or channellers, of the Universal Healing Energy, and hence, be "Silent Witnesses".

  12. How long does it take to learn this technique?
    In three-to-five hour experiential workshops, working in pairs, and depending on the number of participants, this technique is easily learned.

  13. Should imagery received be shared with clients?
    Absolutely! Remember, it's THEIR experience, and not ours. Whatever needs to be released, has been, and then some. Bringing the hidden unconscious to the conscious level is what brings about the "intrapsychic", or energy shift. Hence, the name, "Intrapsychic Touch".

    However, one need not always share. Again, as Healers, we learn to use "Intuition", and a sense of "Knowing" in these matters…

  14. HOW does Intrapsychic Touch work?

    Well, that's the "$64 million dollar question", now isn't it?

    Every major university worldwide is researching this type of phenomena. My belief is that both Theoretical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics are at play here. Without doubt, the primary realms are Spirituality and Human Consciousness.

Intrapsychic Touchä (Patent Pending) ©2005 Catherine Monetti, MA, RN


All Site Content ©2006. Catherine Monetti. All Rights Reserved. Site design courtesy Steven A. Monetti.